Tag Archives: Final Cut Pro

Aperture 4 – A Wish List from a Photographer

Aperture 4 needs to bring it home. Lightroom is winning more and more converts as Aperture loses the community it needs. This is happening for 4 basic reasons: Users perceive an advantage for Lightroom for Photoshop centric workflow and/or RAW processing Less advanced brush controls and sharing Smaller community and third-party development Apple’s perceived movement away from […]

Lightroom vs Aperture – All their features compared

Ever wonder what all the differences are between Lightroom 4 and Aperture 3? This article lists all the major differences and explains why you care. The differences between the two are so small, that in the end you should choose one over the other based on personal preference. (With this announcement this comparison seems a […]

Lightroom 4 and ACR vs. Aperture 3 for Photo Editing; 3 Reasons to Choose Lightroom and Why I Didn’t

A toe to toe match between ACR  Lightroom 4 and Aperture 3 Bottom Line Up Front Lightroom 4 and ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) have exceeded Aperture on every level I care about and would drastically improve my editing workflow except in Retina support. If you have a high ppi display AKA Retina then go with […]